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6 Strategies for Eating Your Way Out Of Spring Allergies

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Spring Allergies? Here are 6 Strategies to Eat Your Way Out by Dr William Cole

If you suffer from spring allergies the promise of blooming flowers and warmer temperatures may translate into watery eyes, trouble breathing, and a pesky runny nose. Many allergy sufferers forget that you can eat to beat spring allergies- you just have to start early and not let the season surprise you! Here is my Spring Allergy prevention plan! Eat your way well!

Ditch the sugar.

Sugar, fat and salt are often the key ingredients in our winter comfort foods, but they don't help prepare us for the onslaught of spring allergies. Allergies, remember, are a result of an immune system in overdrive. Managing this immune system dysfunction means keeping gut bacteria balanced and intestinal yeast, like Candida,in control. Start removing sugar from your diet now to boost your immune system and lower your allergic response. Add up the total sugar grams in your drinks, foods and snacks. Aim to keep your sugar consumption under 40 grams or 6 teaspoons of sugar per day.

Lower your dairy consumption.

Dairy can thicken mucus and congestion, making allergy symptoms worse and worsening Candida (yeast overgrowth in the body). Lower your dairy consumption to just a few servings per day and try healthier versions of dairy like yogurt, kefir, farmer's cheese or paneer. These versions of dairy put more bacteria in the belly, since they are often produced through the process of fermentation. The protein in dairy, casein, is broken down a bit more in these alternative forms, easing the work of the gut and decreasing the allergic response.

Eat apples.

Can an apple a day keep allergies away? Apples contain quercitin, a chemical with anti-inflammatory and anti-histamine properties. Quercitin has also been shown to lower amounts of interleukin 6, an inflammatory cytokine that causes the immune dysfunction responsible for allergies. Combine apples with your green smoothies or juices for an easy and delicious allergy remedy.

Eat garlic.

While we don't like garlic breath, eating raw garlic can prevent allergies. Garlic contains a compound (allium satvum) that help to minimize the allergic response while boosting immune function. Try eating some raw garlic every day. My favourite trick is to take a few cloves and press the juice, adding it to my favourite dips. Just don't forget to chase it with a good mouthwash and tongue scraper!

Try black seed oil.

Black cumin seeds are gaining notoriety for many healing properties, including fighting allergies. Originating in the Middle East, black seeds were cited in the Middle Eastern medical literature as the cure for everything from ageing to indigestion. The oil from these seeds contains thymoquinone, a chemical that helps fight Candida and lowers the allergic response. Add black seed oil to your favourite salads, or take 1 teaspoon directly daily.

Eat fatty fish.

Salmon, tuna, and anchovies are fatty fishes with high levels of omega 3 fats, another important ingredient in the allergy equation. Omega 3 fats play a key role in managing both inflammation and the immune response, helping to lower histamine levels. Adding 2-3 servings per week of any of these fatty fishes weekly can help prevent allergies.

Switch up your palate before spring to have an allergy-free season that you can enjoy!