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9 Ways to Slow Down Aging through Your Food Choices

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Telomeres structures are short, repetitive sequences of DNA that cap the ends of chromosomes to protect chromosomal DNA sequencing during cellular division. If this process is not happening as it should it contributes to ageing. As the aging process progresses, telomeres become shortened to the point that cell division ceases and apoptosis, or cell death, occurs. In other words, "telomeric length" is a predictor for aging at the cellular level.

There's also data that shows that the telomeric enzyme, called telomerase (which restores the aging markers' length in immature cells only), is activated in cancer cells and renders them immortal. Living a long, healthy life is of utmost importance, and an Eco genetic diet is the answer to achieving it. Fortunately, for all of us, good health begins with making the right kinds of choices about food.

Nine steps to help prevent premature aging:

  1. Eat miso, tofu, and tempeh. Soy is one of the most touted anti-aging foods and has been shown to decrease inflammation and promote healthy sex hormones levels, all on an Eco genetic level. I recommend both men and women include miso, tofu, and tempeh in their diet.
  2. Add olive oil into your diet in a big way. Many studies show that olive oil has a huge impact on maintaining good health. A staple in the Mediterranean diet, olive oil has been shown to have protective effects against diseases such as cancer. Olive oil decreases the expression of pro-inflammatory genes in humans, which partially explains why there is a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia, and cancer among people living in Mediterranean countries for whom olive oil is the main source of dietary fat. Remember, however: Olive oil is sensitive to heat that changes the beneficial compounds in it, so don't use it for cooking. It's best on salads or in dips.
  3. Put thyme oil in your anti-aging pantry. Thyme oil can certainly help give you more time. A 2010 Japanese study showed that carvacrol found in thyme oil is a potent inhibitor of COX-2, an enzyme implicated in inflammation and aging.
  4. Get some frankincense, or boswellia. Boswellia, an ayurvedic herb with anti-inflammatory properties, is essential to any anti-aging regimen. Two large randomized studies have shown boswellia improves joint function, pain, and stiffness in knee osteoarthritis. Boswellia has also been reported to decrease symptoms of asthma by improving lung function and inflammatory bowel disease by decreasing inflammation of the gut. It should be a key ingredient for anyone with premature aging. Talk to your health care provider about the best way to take boswellia.
  5. Know that bee pollen, royal jelly, and bee propolis contain some of nature's best anti-aging nutrients. The Queen honeybee lives 40 times as long as other bees in the hive, yet she is genetically identical to her bee family members. The only difference is the queen alone eats the royal jelly, which is used to feed larvae. Scientists have found that micronutrients in the royal jelly can cause genes associated with longevity to be activated.
  6. Support your mitochondria with the right nutrients.The mitochondrion is a structure found within cells that serve as the "powerhouse" for producing the energy (ATP) that allows your organs to work. But, as the mitochondria produce ATP, they also generate oxidants, which expose the mitochondria to free radical damage over time. While ALCAR increased specific aspects of mitochondrial functioning, it did not decrease oxidant production within mitochondrial cells. By adding another supplement called N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenyl-nitrone (PBN) to ALCAR, researchers noted an improvement in function as well as a decrease in free radical formation in the mitochondria.Talk to your health care practitioner about which supplements could be a fit for you.
  7. Add plant sterols (found in pumpkinseed oil and chia seeds) to your diet. Plant sterols are plant cholesterols (sterols and sterolins) that have been shown in minute amounts to maintain a good balance of T cells (killer cells), and enhance cellular immunity.
  8. Consume nutrients that support joints and hair. Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) is an organic compound that contains sulphur and is found in a variety of foods such as fruits, vegetables, and grains. MSM has been shown to improve joint function and to help maintain normal joint cartilage because joints require sulphur and cysteine for healthy function.
  9. Eat grapes. Polyphenolic substances contained in foods such as grapes have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that protect brain health. The key to preventing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's is controlling inflammation. One study, for example, showed that grape juice helps to reduce dementia and improve cognition in older adults. Concord grape juice has been shown to contain a polyphenolic substance known as anthocyanin’s. Studies have shown that anthocyanin’s can cross over into brain tissue (the blood-brain barrier is semi-permeable and only allow selective materials access through), and is found in areas of the brain associated with regulating cognition. Scientists also found that resveratrol,foundin wine and grapes, helps to lwer the risk of cognitive declinein mice. Resveratrol appeared to increase insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), which is involved in the production of new blood vessels and nerve cells in the hippocampus — a part of the brain that controls the formation of memories, particularly long-term memory.