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The benefits of GliSODin

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What is GliSODin ?

  • GliSODin is a radical new approach to antioxidant supplementation.
  • For years, scientists have indicated that eating foods rich in antioxidants and taking antioxidant supplements can improve health. However, this strategy utilizes these dietary antioxidants in merely a supporting or external role.

A Different Approach

  • GliSODin is the only supplement that stimulates the body's own built-in antioxidant defence system.
  • GliSODin acts as a catalyst, stimulating the body's production of its own internal antioxidants, the most powerful of which is known as SOD (Superoxide Dismutase).
  • By promoting our own internal antioxidant defence system, the body is better prepared to handle and recover from stress.

Clinically Proven

Numerous clinical studies on GliSODin have shown its therapeutic benefits:

  • Including helping protect cellular health and DNA from oxidative stress,
  • Inhibit photo-oxidative stress in the sun-sensitive,
  • Inhibit lactic acid accumulation under exercise,
  • Promote cardiovascular health,
  • Help restore normal levels of SOD, and
  • Positively affect other significant markers of oxidative stress.

Sun Protection from the Inside!

Warm and sunny weather beckons us to enjoy cavorting outdoors, or just lying in serenity on the beach or in the backyard or park.

It is widely understood that unprotected skin can be severely damaged by constant exposure to the sun’s UVB and UVA rays, and there are many topical products to select for outer protection.

A dietary supplement with outstanding clinical evidence supports the fact that you can also help protect your skin from the inside.

  • GliSODin is a distinctive and powerful antioxidant catalyst, meaning it works to increase the body’s own production of its natural antioxidant defences, helping the body to disarm the reactive oxygen species triggered by sunrays.
  • Besides a sunburn (erythema) that is a visible reaction to the sun, the rays that emanate can set off a chain reaction underneath the skin.
  • UV rays have three wavelengths, including UVA, UVB and UVC. These rays can damage collagen fibres, which, over a period of time, result in visual aging, such as wrinkles and a dry, leathery appearance.
  • UVA is the least harmful, but through time and exposure does contribute to skin aging and DNA damage.
  • UVB rays are most damaging to DNA; they corrupt DNA molecules by causing malformations that can lead to mutations and unhealthy cell production.
  • Most sunscreens protect against UVB rays only and recently several have come onto the market that contain more amounts of titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and avobenzone to also help protect UVA rays.
  • But these take care of skin from the outside. Did you know you can significantly help prevent sun damage on your skin from the inside?

Antioxidant Protection

  • In general, plants, fruits and vegetables produce antioxidants and carotenoids (types of antioxidants) that serve to protect them from external and internal damage. Many studies have demonstrated that taking in antioxidants through food and/or supplements may be beneficial for human wellness.
  • When looking at the larger and longer term picture, the concept of empowering your body’s own ability to produce greater sources of its own antioxidants is sensible and attractive.
  • Our bodies produce the antioxidants catalase, glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase (SOD). SOD is the first antioxidant to attack harmful superoxide radicals by transforming them into less reactive ions that are then disarmed further by catalase and glutathione peroxidase. This process is called dismutation.
  • SOD when consumed normally is destroyed by stomach acids. But, when scientists encased it in gliadin (a wheat protein), the SOD was protected from digestive acids and effectively recognized by immune active cells in the gut.
  • GliSODin is the only dietary supplement form of SOD that utilizes this patented and proprietary technology, ensuring that SOD can help fortify your body’s own antioxidant defences.
  • In the case of sun exposure and UV radiation, the healthier and more effective your own endogenous antioxidant system is, the more you help the skin protect itself.
  • In additional to sunscreen, protective clothing and good choices, such as not going into the sun when it is most intense, GliSODin may help with exposure to the sun.
  • The excitement about GliSODin is that it has several clinical studies that actually show better tolerance to sun exposure, particularly for the sun sensitive.
  • In a study people were given 500 mg of GliSODin every day for two months. After three to eight weeks of normal sun exposure, all subjects reported higher tolerance and significantly diminished propensity to redden, flush or sun induced skin irritation, when compared to previous incidence of summer sun exposure.
  • The next study was undertaken by 40 dermatologists in France and 150 individuals who were chosen based upon susceptibility to reddening, flushing and other reactions caused directly by the oxidative stress incurred by sun exposure.
  • The third study was a randomized, double-blind trial of 50 subjects, 25 of whom took two 250 mg doses of GliSODin daily for four weeks. The goal of this study was to compare rates of reddening between the placebo and supplement takers, divided into three categories of prototypes.
  • These are classified by amount of melanin pigment in the skin. In this study, there were photo types II (fair skin, reddens easily, tans poorly), III (darker white skin that tans after exposure) and IV (light brown/olive skin that is more resistant.)
  • Researchers controlled exposure by using a UV light to test photo-oxidative stress on the skin of the inner forearms, causing reddening and then measuring the change in the colour of the redness (erythema).
  • The redness was less pronounced and also decreased more quickly in the GliSODin group. The study confirms the efficacy of GliSODin in the prevention of the consequences of oxidative stress from exposure to the sun.

Fun in the sun should be enjoyed through good sun safety habits that include:

  • Generous use of high-quality sunscreens/blocks,
  • wearing sunglasses,
  • drinking lots of water to hydrate the skin and,
  • Especially for the sun sensitive, consider the addition of GliSODin daily.

Cardiovascular health

There’s encouraging news for millions of people who are at risk for cardiovascular disease. Scientists have developed a new way to keep aging arteries functioning.

New Research

  • A nutrient has been found, that helps support and improve arterial function in middle-age adults.
  • The study used a new measurement of artery health, which actually measures the thickness of the carotid artery that carries blood to the brain. The IMT is recognized by the American Heart Association as an indicator of cardiovascular health.
  • Ultrasound is used to get an accurate picture of an individual’s arteries.
  • The study participants followed a special heart-friendly diet and changed behaviours such as quitting smoking and adding exercise.
  • After one year, the researchers measured common risk factors such as cholesterol, blood pressure and body mass index (BMI), all were improved—but not enough.

Adding an Enzyme

  • The enzyme works by promoting an antioxidant produced by the body called SOD. It is considered more powerful than antioxidant vitamins and has been called the “enzyme of life” for how it fights inflammation and physiological stress of aging.
  • Showed a significant reduction in IMT levels.

Keeping Your Heart Healthy

Four healthy habits can help prevent heart problems.

1. Maintain a proper weight.

2. Exercise regularly.

3. Eat a balanced diet.

4. Don’t smoke.